Decision Support Modules

Simplicity® provides comprehensive and powerful business intelligence and decision support tools.

Common Utilities – Decision Support Modules

Simplicity® provides comprehensive and powerful business intelligence and decision support tools.


The Basic Package includes two services:

• Cockpit™ Dashboard Analytics

• Abacus™ Spreadsheet Analytics


The Premium Package provides more enhanced capabilities delivered via four more services:

• Hypercube™ Data Warehouse

• Mercator™ GIS Analytics

• Gemini™ Digital Twin Visualization Platform

• Insight™ AI GPT Analytics

Hypercube™ Data Warehouse

The Hypercube™ Data Warehouse keeps your business data in a storage pool and allows you to analyze the data and generate reports quickly.  It provides a time-delayed star schema representation of a Simplicity® Database, facilitating powerful multi-dimensional online analytical processing (OLAP) capabilities for business intelligence.  The Data Warehouse is accessible by all of Simplicity® Decision Support tools.

The Hypercube™ Data Warehouse comes with full Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) capabilities, and can also accept data from other application databases.  You can configure the frequency of ETL from the core Simplicity® Database and other application databases.

Generate Mercator™ GIS Analytics

The Mercator™ GIS Analytics provide geospatial perspectives to Simplicity® analytics and business intelligence capabilities.  This interface is extremely useful for the monitoring and management of geographically distributed properties and assets.


Key features:

• Link distributed buildings and assets to geospatial data sets for easier asset locating, decision support and maintenance planning;
• Generate heat maps to measure correlation between different data sets.

Gemini™ Digital Twin Visualization Platform 

The Gemini™ Digital Twin Visualization Platform, developed based on the Unity Gaming Engine, allows you to create a virtual 3 dimensional representation of a building and its assets.  The Platform also boasts capabilities that allow Digital Twin information to be mapped onto the physical world and viewed through mobile devices and smart glasses, and enhance diagnostics capabilities with “X-Ray Vision”.


Key Features:

• Powerful, fast rendering interactive 3D visualization platform;
• Highly scalable and easily configurable for addition of charts, software functions & data from any database or Web Services;
• Capable of providing portfolio overview of performance & sustainability of building systems;
• Capable of drilling into buildings, levels, rooms, individual equipment for more granular analysis;
• Capable of the creation of Digital Twin models by importing BIM files and preserve structural, equipment and cabling/ piping attributes;
• Capable of obtaining insights via advanced analytics by plotting overlays such as heat maps directly over the Digital Twin model;
• Capable of defining rules to alert user when there are any alarms, breaches or conditions and identify offending equipment or location directly on the Digital Twin model.

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